How to earn money from blogging in 5 minutes

 Hello Friends ! Welcome to india blogging In today's time, today someone wants to earn money through online medium, people are coming in the field of blogging to earn money through online medium, nowadays they want to earn money by writing, but nowadays they want to earn money by writing. It is not so easy, for that you should also know how to write an article. Writing an article does not mean that you have written information on a subject and shared it with people. Writing an article means telling about that subject in simple language. And people read your blog again, as long as you write articles to earn money, you cannot be successful in the field of blogging, when you express your thoughts by writing in a simple form, now you can be successful in their field. How to be successful in the field of blogging, on which we have given complete information in this article and we have written the biggest article of Google today. 

You will not see the article here in any other website, nor has anyone written it.Everyone has not given you the right information about blogging, we have tried our best to give you the right information about blogging, how you can earn money from a blog, what is a blog, what happens to backlinks, spam score and page authority The whole topic is discussed in this article, you should also share our article with other people so that everyone can get information about this topic and respect their culture, their traditions and their parents. Today's youth forget their culture. Now we are going to bring a culture like Chocolate Day, Kabhi Rose De to India. If I ask you what happens on February 14, you will say Valentine's Day. You have forgotten that many of our soldiers were martyred on 14 February, 14 February is the day to remember those martyrs who were martyred in Pulwama, Valentine's Day, Rose Day,Respect him. Many people find the sentences written by us wrong, then it seems that it is not our duty to do politics, it is our duty.

Some tips to be successful in blogging.

It is our duty to give you information on each and every subject, it is our duty to give information on every subject of Indian culture, it is our duty to promote Indian culture. When I think about one thing, I am surprised that today's youth are making GF and BF, what does it mean, can anyone tell me, we are forgetting our mother tongue, how many times I get a message that you write in English, you write in English. If I earn good money then I do not want to write in any other language I love my mother tongue I am not against any language all languages ​​are good but for me my mother tongue hindi is paramount many people say thatYou speak on such topics on which you should not speak on the subject you look at your career I want to say to those people if you are talking on a right topic then we are not worried about career because of a right topic It is our duty to speak up and it is our stupidity to remain silent on the wrong language and please tell by commenting how we have written today's article.

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what is blog

BLOG is an English word which is a short name of WEB BLOG, it started in 1998. This is a free service provided by Google. Through which a person can share his point with the whole world. People use blogs to convey their point to others, the post of the blog reaches every person who searches about it in Google. Blog is like a website which can be created for free and Google has made its interface in such a way that everyone can use it easily. The only difference between a website and a blog is that there should be many types of web design program information to create a website and it also costs money, while a blog is a free service that requires a website to be created, such as blogger, whatpress, Through etc., anyone can make a blog very easily. A blog is run by an individual or a team

Blog is very popular among people and almost everyone likes to use it. In the initial days the blog can be made free, later it can be changed according to your need because free blog does not have all the features. There are The size of the blog is smaller than that of the website, that is why the blog is also called a digital diary. Videos, photos, articles are all present in the blog.

Why blog is written?

15 to 20 years ago, people used to write some important things in diary, magazine and share them with everyone through newspaper and matching, similarly in today's modern age, people like to write on the internet and share it on someone's blog. It is called Any topic can be written in the blog, their topics can be general as well as special. Many blogs are related to a particular subject and provide information on that subject from time to time like = There are blogs related to technology in which information related to old technology and new technology is given.

The person who writes a blog is called a blogger and the work done in a blog is called blogging.

What is Bolging?

Creating a blog, writing posts in it every day, publishing it and designing your blog well, all these activities are called blogging, the creator has to post his thoughts from time to time. Writing a post in a blog, designing your blog, replying to the comments in the post, similarly, whatever a blogger does to run a block, we call it in common language.

Money can also be earned online through blogger. Blogging can be done in any subject like = News, Technology, Health etc.

Blogging is divided into how many categories 

Blogging is divided into two categories

1: Personal Blogging

2: Professional Blogging

1: Personal Blogging = Personal Google Blogging is also called hoddy blogging, which has some stories, true events, which it shares with everyone. These stories can also be about his personal life. Or it can be about someone else's life. Famous people often make such blogs so that they can convey their words to the common people. These people do not have to earn money from blogging, it is just their hoddy. Personal blogs are written by celebrities, that's why common people like to read these people so that they can know their artist closely.

2: Professional Blogging = This is done by those people who consider blog as their business, by this they earn so much money that they can fulfill their dreams and their needs, it also requires patience along with hard work, only then the fruits of hard work are ach88ieved. Is

Professional bloggers earn money by monetizing blogs in many ways like = Google Adsense, by placing ads of a company, etc.

Out of all these, Google Adsense is the best way to earn money. Professional blogger is completely different from a personal blog. If you have a passion for writing, then you can easily do blogging.

And if you want to earn money from blogging, then you have to have patience, perseverance and hard work, blogging is not so easy and you are thinking that today I started blogging and money will start coming from tomorrow. So let me tell you you are thinking absolutely wrong. For that you need hard work and most of all patience

How to create your blog in blogger platform

1: Go to Google

First of all, you have to open Google on your phone or laptop and search for blogger.

2: Click on the link of blogger 

When you search blogger on Google, a new page opens in front of you, in which you get the link of blogger, if you do not get the link, then you can click on this link /

3: Click on the sign in option

When you click on this link, then you will get the option of sign in and if you already have an account on blogger, then you will get create a blog option, you can calculate the option accordingly.

4: login to blogger 

If you do not already have an account on blogger, then you will have to login with your Gmail ID and if you do not already have an account, then you will automatically become the director on the home page. Your email id will be asked to create your new account in blogger, you have to enter your email id and click on the option of next.

5:  create a blog 

As soon as you click on the next option, after that you will reach the blogger's home page, in which you will be asked for information related to your blog chat, which will be as follows. 

1:title (title)

2: address

3: theme


In the title option, you have to enter the name of your blog, whatever you have thought of your blog name. In the address option, you have to enter the address of your blog, which is something like this www.mysmarttipsblogsport .com


You get many free themes in the theme option, select the one you like for your block and then click on the create a blog option, when your free blog is created, after that you can earn article money in your blog. Are 

How to do blogging from mobile?

You can do blogging from mobile in 2 ways

1: Google Chrome 

2: Mobile Application

Google Chrome 

You can use Google Chrome to do blogging from mobile, which is a good way to do blogging from mobile and you can earn money by writing articles in the blog. 

mobile application

If you do not want to do blogging through chrome browser, then you can use the login app named blogger, you will find this application easily in the play store, from there you can download it and use blogging from your mobile. In this you get a lot of pictures as you see on the laptop, with the help of this you can make any text like Blod, under line gender tight and many more you can do with the help of this application and with the help of this application You can easily do blogging through your mobile and earn money sitting at home, you have to go to the option option, then click on the option of do not allow, hide existing in the reader comment option, after that you have to click on the option of publish. Click in And your privacy policy page will be created. 

To create Contact us page, you have to go to menu (≡) option in the blog and there you will get an option of page. click in

After that you have to click on (+) in this option and you have to write title contant us and write your Gmail ID so that people can contact you.

After this you have to go to the option option, after that click on the option of do not allow, hide existing in the option of reader comment, after that you click on the option of publish. And your content will become us page. 

To create an About us page, you have to click on the option of the page. In the title you write about us and in the contact you have to write about your blog, what information you are going to give to people in your blog.

By going to the Option option, you have to click on the option of do not allow, hide existing in the reader comment, after that you click on the option of publish. And your about us page will be created. 

Spam score check What is Spam score?

Spam score is a type of digital rating system with the help of which we can check the spam quality of any domain or website. Spam score is very important for seo. Spam score of any domain or website is provided through data moz company. goes 

Spam score is divided into three parts according to MOZ SEO data 

1: 0-4

2: 5-7

3: 8-17

MOZ launched Spam Score feature in the year 2015 and we measure the spam score of domain or website in percentage (%) 

1: If the spam score of a website or blog remains safe in the green zone between 0-4

2: If the spam score of a website or blog is between 5-7, your domain or website comes on the danger mark in the yellow zone.

3: If the spam score of a website or blog is in the red zone between 8-17, then it is very dangerous for the website or domain and Google or any other search engine can penalize your domain or website.

Why spam score of domain or website increases

By the way, this question must have come in our mind, after all, why does spam score happen, it is because when a new blogger comes in the blogging field, he does not know much about the blogging field, Google search his blog or website for this article. Indiscriminately start making backlinks to rank in the engine 

New bloggers who come in the blogging field make the same mistake, due to which their articles are not ranked in the search engine and their blog or website does not get traffic, due to which they are unable to earn money from the blogging field and fail. New bloggers make backlinks from any other spam website in the process of making backlinks, due to which spam juice starts coming to your website or domain from that spam website, due to which the spam score of your domain or website increases and your blog or Website is not able to rank in Google search engine.

How to check Spam score

If you want to be successful in the blogging field, then it is very important to check the spam score of your domain or website. We have told you step by step below how you can check the spam score of your domain or website by telling below. Follow the steps and check the spam score of your website or domain.

1: To check Spam score you have to search in Google Spam score checker or click on this or this website

2: Here you enter the URL of your domain or website URL and tick the option of I'm not a robot and click on the check option

3: After that you will see the DA (domain Authority) and PA (page Authority) of your website or blog. And together you will also see spam score (SS).

How to reduce SPAM score

This question must be coming in your mind, if the spam score of the website or blog is high, then how to reduce it, we have given you complete information below, you can reduce the spam score of your blog or website by reading it. Are .

 First of all you have to find those backlinks which are spam backlinks and you can use SEO tools like Ahrefs ,moz and SEMRUSh to find bad blacklinks.

For this you login to MOZ website and take out the list of domain spam backlinks from there and you have to save all Blacklinks URL as text file in notepad and after that Google's online tool disallow tool in Google search console. That file has to be uploaded and clicked in the option of summit, after that these tools will remove all these spam Blacklinks but it is a very slow process, this process takes at least 1 month and after that your blog or website spam score goes down

What are the disadvantages of having high SPAM score?

If the spam score of your website or blog is high, then we have given you complete information below about what damage will happen to your website or blog. 

1: If the SPAM score of your website or blog is high, then Google or other search engines can penalize your website or blog.

2: If the spam score increases, a lot of changes can be seen in technical seo on the domain or website.

3: If the spam score of your website or domain increases in a day, then Google search engine or search engine can remove your domain or website from the search engine. 

What is DA?

In the field of blogging, DA means domain authority, if the domain authority (DA) of your website will be good and it helps to rank your website's web page in the search engine, as much as your website will rank and your blog will be on traffic will also increase. Domain authority is called DA in short. If you have created a new website and you check its DA, then the DA of that website ranges from 1 to 10 and 

If you increase Blacklinks, seo, organic traffic in your website, the domain authority (dA) of your website will also increase.

The domain authority is the most software as a service (SaaS) company web matric which is created through moz, moz decides how great to give to a website or blog from 1 to 100, 1 great very bad rank and 100 is in the form of a very good rank, it is very helpful for the SEO of your website or blog.

What is PA?

In the field of blogging, PA means page authority. Page authority (PA) is the most popular search engine, which is an official algorithm of Google, which decides which page to show first in the search engine. If the page authority (PA) of your blog or website is good, then Google will place it in its search will show in the first rank in the engine

What is the difference between domain authority (DA) and page authority (PA).

domain authority (DA) measures the perceived moz ranking power of any domain and subdomain and page authority (PA) is the opposite of page authority (PA) of a single web page power does the measurement

How to check the authority (DA) and page authority (PA) of your blog or website 

If you want to check your website or blog authority (DA) and page authority (PA) then you click on this website

2: After clicking on the website, you have to enter the URL of your website or blog.

3: After that you have to tick the option of I'm not a robot and click on the check option, after that you will see the DA and PA of the website or blog.

How to increase domain authority and page authority of your blog or website

If you want to increase the domain authority and page authority of your website or blog, then we have given you some ways below, you can increase the domain authority and page authority of your website or blog by following those methods.

1: You create high quality backlinks for your website or blog

2: Publish daily post in your blog or website i.e. I mean to say keep your blog or website updated

3: You increase your blog or website internal linking and your block or website's DA and PA will increase rapidly.

4: If you want to increase the domain authority (DA) of your blog, then write ON page seo article of at least 1000 words.

5: If you want to increase the page authority (PA) of your blog or website, make sure to use At text while placing images in the blog or website and make the article user friendly so that the DA and PA of your blog or website can increase.

6: If you want the domain authority (DA) of the blog or website to be good, then you have to increase the speed of your block or website, then the domain authority (DA) of your blog or website will be able to increase quickly.

7: You will remember this thing if the page authority of your blog or website will increase, then the domain authority of your blog or website will also increase at a rapid pace.

what are backlinks 

A backlink is a link that is a means of going from another website to your website. When a web page is linked with another web page, we call it a backlink. Let us try to explain by giving an example what a backlink is. happens

Suppose there is a very good website, good articles have been written in that website, every day there is good traffic in that website and if the link of your site will be in that website, then people from that website will come to your website, due to this your search engine will be ranked. The rank of the website will increase and you will be able to earn good money. There are some rules for making backlinks, it is very important to know those rules because if you do not know those rules, then you will fail in the field of blogging, we have given you some rules below which you should read carefully.

1:  Link juice: When the link of a web page is linked to the link of any one article of your website or to the homepage of your website, then the link flows from there, by clicking on this link, it directly reaches your website. And it is called Link juice in simple language. This Link juice increases the rank of your website in the link search engine of your website in the search engine and along with it also increases the domain authority (DA) of your website. 

2: Low quality links : Low quality links are those links which are coming to your website from any wrong website, spam website, or porn sites, then such links do not benefit your website but cause harm, so whenever you backlink If you are making for your blog, then the backlinks you are making should be high quality links. 

3: High quality links:  We have given you information about low quality links, let us understand what are high quality links, in very simple language, high quality links means that the website which is very popular and whose value is Google If you get backlinks from quality website in your website too, then your website will come in high rank in Google and traffic will start increasing in your blog.

One thing you should keep in mind that whenever you create a high quality Blacklink, you will get backlinks from automotive and relevant sites, which means that you will have to get backlinks related to the same niches on which your blog is built.

For example, suppose that you have a technology related blog, then you have to make backlinks from the blog which is related to technology related, only then you will benefit if you make backlinks from any other fashion related blog, then you will not get any benefit. 

4: Internal link: Internal link means that go from one page of your website to another page, which we call internal link, to explain it well, I will give you an example.

You wrote an article in your blog and that article is on a good rank in Google and you want to rank other blog articles in Google in the same way, then the links of the articles you want to rank in Google are in that article. Will put which is already running in rank in Google, so that other articles present in your blog will also be read by people and gradually all the articles of your block will start ranking in Google.

what are the types of backlinks

There are two types of backlinks, about which we have told you below, we have given you complete information on both the types. 

1: DOfollow balicklink 

2: Nofollow Blacklink

What is dofollow backlink?

As we told above about link juice, dofollow balicklink helps to pass link juice, which becomes a means of going from one website to another, it is called Dofollow balicklink by default, all the links that you link to other websites. Or give in the article of your blog, they all come inside dofollow baliklink, this link is very beneficial to rank your blog in Google search engine and a dofollow baliklink never remains an attribute. Example :

What is Nofollow backlink?

dofollow balicklink link juice helps to pass, this backlink has no value in the search engine and this backlink does not work at all for your website, but to some extent there are benefits of backlinks, which we have given you below. It has been told that you can know the benefits only by reading them.

1: Nofollow balicklink gives natural look to your profile link

2: If all the dofollow baliklinks of your website are there, then Google will feel that your profile link is not nature and in such a situation Google can penalize you.

3: One advantage of this Nofollow balicklink is that if your website has a link to any other website and if you do not like the post posted on that website, then you can add Nofollow Attribute with that link after which No person will be able to go from your website to another website through that link. Example :

<a href="" rel="nofollow">Link Text</a>

How to create backlinks for your blog 

Whenever a new blogger comes in the field of blogging, there is always confusion about how to make Blacklink in his mind. By making Blacklink, you can rank your blog on Google search engine. You can always make as many Blacklinks as you want. Make a backlink from a quality website only then you will get benefit if you do not make a backlink from a quality website then you will not get any benefit from that backlink and it is possible that Google can penalize your blog by going ahead.

We have given you complete information below about how to make balicklink, you can make balicklink by reading them. 

1: Write Quality content in your blog

This is the best way to get backlinks for your blog, you write quality content in your blog and the visitors who read your contect will get to learn something and will share your content with as many people as possible, due to which your website will get more Traffic will start coming and very soon your website will start ranking in Google.

2: Guest blogging

Nowadays, the popularity of guest blogging is increasing very fast in the world of blogging. Guest blogging means that by summiting your blog article in a popular blog, the best way to increase traffic in your blog is with the help of guest Blacklink. will get good baliklink

3: start commenting

Start commenting in other blogs related to the niches of your blog, so that you get Nofollow baliklink, but whenever you are commenting in another blog, do not forget to enter the URL of your blog, by doing this you get good blacklinks and Traffic starts coming to your blog and gradually your blog starts ranking in Google search engine.

What are the characteristics of a successful blogger

There are many characteristics of a successful blogger, if you want to be successful in this field and want to earn more and more money from this field, then you have to understand the characteristics of a successful blogger and use it in this field only then. By going, you will be able to succeed in this field, we have told you the characteristics of a successful blogger below, you should know those characteristics and follow them.

1: Always keep your blog updated

If you want to be successful in this field, then it is very important that you always keep your blog updated and keep adding information on new topics so that those who visit your blog will get information on new topics, on which there is a lot of interest. Fewer people will know and fewer people have written articles on new topics, then the chances of your article ranking in Google will increase.

2: Always give correct information in your blog

Always give the right information to people in your blog because if you do not do this and if someone complains about you on this topic, then you will not get money but can read anyone's culture and religion anytime in your blog. You should not write any bad words about anyone because if you do so, if someone complains about you, then if this happens, you can 100% go to jail.

3: Always write your article in simple language

If you want to be successful in this field, then whatever article you write, see it in a very simple language so that any visitor who comes and reads your article will understand it at once and that other article written by you in your blog. Read carefully, which will increase your income and you will be able to become a successful blogger easily.

4: Always keep updating the settings of your blog

If you want to become a successful blogger or earn more and more money from this field, then you have to always keep updating the settings of your blog like - template etc. so that the chances of your block being ranked in Google will also increase and your blog SEO too. Will increase 

5: Always write the article big

If you write an article on a topic, always write it in your own words and write it big so that the visitor takes time to read your article and you can earn more and more money from this field as well as the visitor can understand your article well. can come and you can become a successful blogger

6: Never copyright

Those new bloggers who come in the field, they definitely make a mistake, they copy someone else's article and put it on their blog, due to which they have to face copyright and not only do not get popularity, but they definitely get insulted and never earn money from this field. can't earn

7: Always be patient

It is necessary to have patience to be successful in this field, many people think that today we have come in this field and from tomorrow our income starts, so I want to tell them that if you want to be successful in your field, then always keep writing your blog articles. And be patient only then you will be able to earn money from this field.

To be successful in blogging do this coding in your blog 

If you write a blog in Hindi or in English, then do this coding in your blog.

1: You have to go to the theme option customize, you will see this (⎀) click on it, after that click on backup option and download your old template. After that you have to click on the option of edit html

2: If you write a blog in Hindi, then you have to  put this coding under expr: dir = data: blog.language Direction coding

lang='hi-in' xml:lang='hi-in' 

If you write blog in English then lang='en- un' xml:lang='en-us'

How to protect your blog articles from being stolen?

Many people copy past the article written by us from our blog and put it in their blog, due to which we are not able to rank our article in Google search engine, due to which we can never be successful in the blogging field, today we will give you some such We will tell you the ways by which no one will be able to copy paste your blog article and your articles will be able to rank in Google search engine, below we have told you step by step how you can save your blog article from being stolen. By following the steps given by us, you can save your articles from being stolen.

Step 1: First go to the menu (≡) option of your blog.

Step 2: After going to the menu option, you have to click on the option of layout

Step 3: After this you click on the option of add a gadget, after that you will see an option of html/java, click on it and we have given you an html code below and enter it.

<script type='text/javascript'> 

if (typeof document.onselectstart != "undefined") { 

document.onselectstart = new Function("return false"); 

} else { 

document.onmouseup = new Function("return false"); 

document.onmousedown = new Function("return false");



After entering this html code and click on the save option, after that no one will be able to copy your article from your blog.

How to fix Canonical link errors

Often we get to see canonical link errors in Google search console, due to these errors, new bloggers in the blogging field leave this field and cannot earn money from the blogging field, if you are seeing errors in your Google search console. If you have, Google will not be able to rack your blog in the search engine and you cannot earn money from this area, but if you follow the steps given by us, then you will be able to fix canonical link errors very easily, we will also give you some steps below. Fix canonical errors by following them as told

Step 1: You have to go to the theme option and go to customize and click on the html edit option.

 Head you have to enter this code

<link href='' rel='canonical'/>

Step 2: Write your website domain in place of and after a few days you will not see these canonical link errors in Google Search Console.

How to create page in Blog

Creating a page in a blog is essential. Because when you create a page in the blog, you get Google Adsense quickly. We have given you information below about how to make pages in your blog, you can easily create pages for your blog by following the steps mentioned by us.

1: To create a page of private policy, you have to go to this website and you have to click on the option of next key by entering the website URL of your website.  

2: After that you will be asked some questions, you have to answer them and you have to click on the next option. After that you have to give your Gmail ID and click on the option of my private policy, after that you have to click on the copy option below the link to your private policy.

3: After that you have to go to the option of the page in your blog, there you have to change the option with a pencil (compose view) to html view.

4: What you had copied has to be pasted here and again you have to change the html view to compose view.

5: After this you have to go to the option option, after that you have to click on the option of do not allow, hide existing in the option of reader comment, after that you click on the option of publish. And your privacy policy page will be created. 

To create Contact us page, you have to go to menu (≡) option in the blog and there you will get an option of page. click in

After that you have to click on (+) in this option and you have to write title contant us and write your Gmail ID so that people can contact you.

6: After this you have to go to the option option, after that you have to click on the option of do not allow, hide existing in the option of reader comment, after that you click on the option of publish. And your content will become us page. 

To create an About us page, you have to click on the option of the page. In the title you write about us and in the contact you have to write about your blog, what information you are going to give to people in your blog.

By going to the Option option, you have to click on the option of do not allow, hide existing in the reader comment, after that you click on the option of publish. And your about us page will be created. 

How to apply template in Blog

New bloggers who come in the blogging field do not know many things, they do not know how to put template in their blog, today we will tell you how you can put template in your blog.

1: You have to search in Google for responsive blog template or by visiting this website = click on whatever template you like. 

2: After that you will get three options demo, buy, download. First of all check its demo. And if you like it, then click on the download option, we will tell you one. You can also buy these template in money, if you want to buy in money, then click on buy option. And enter your email address card number if you buy template in money then you are given good facilities

3: After the template is downloaded, you open the file, a fille will appear named HTML, click on it and click on the extract option.

After that you have to open the blog app and you have to go to the theme option, here you will see such a symbol (⎀) under customize, click on it. After that you will have 5 options

1: backup 

2: restore

3: switch to first generation classic theme 

4: edit html

5: mobile setting

4: Click on restore option and you have to upload your html file after that your template will be uploaded.

How to create a site map for Blog

It is very important to make a site map for a blog, but many people do not know what it is useful for, so let me tell you, through the sitemap, Google comes to know how many articles you have written, now you must have come to know that how important is sitemap

1: To create a sitemap of the blog, you must first search Google Sitemap generator. Or you can go to this website and make it on the side for your blog.

2: You have to click on this website, after that you have to enter the URL of your website and then click on generate sitemap option.

3: And the Sitemap of your blog will be ready, after that you have to go to the setting of your blogger by copying it on the side.

4: Customer robots. txt option and enter the sitemap

User-agent: *

Disallow: /search

Disallow: /category /

Disallow: /tag /

5: You should disallow category and tag in the site map of your blog.

6: People do only this work, they do not know that sitemap has to be added in Google search console also, only then Google will know how many articles you have written.

how to add sitemap in google search console

1: First of all you have to search in google search console

2: After that you have to summit the URL of your blog in Google Search Console

3: After doing Summit, I have to click on the option of Menu (≡), there you will get an option Sitemap. Click on it, after that you will get an option to enter the enter sitemap URL and click on the summit option and the site map of your blog will be added to the Google Search Console.

 Who are the 10 famous bloggers of India and how much is the income of these bloggers in 1 month

1: Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, known as the father of the blogging field, was born on 5 February 1977 in New Delhi. He is from a website business family. He was interested in technology since childhood. Job in Goldman Sachs Sachs in 2004. And he also had a good income, but he thought that the coming era is the era of blogging and he left his job and made his move in the field of blogging. In the year 2004, he opened his first blog and named his blog On this blog, Amit Agarwal used to give information related to technology and software to people, at that time people did not have much knowledge about the blogging field, so there were few people in this field and Amit Agarwal's blog started getting good numbers today. At the time of Amit Agarwal's website https://www.labnol.

Income from the field of blogging of Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal earns about 2633 $ in a month with the help of Block, if we look at this money in Indian currency then it is about 1,88,891 rupees. 

Some other websites of Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal's most famous website is, Amit Agarwal has many websites in which he writes articles daily and earns money, we have told you about all his websites below.

2: Pritam Nagrale

Pritam Nagrale was born in Kota, Rajasthan, he completed his childhood education from Kota Rajasthan and later he completed his engineering studies from LIT Nagpur, after that Pritam Nagrale came to Mumbai, by the way Pritam Nagrale's first blog is Which he started in 2009, but he used to earn money online by working online since 2004, which included affiliate marketing and was associated with many such mediums, through which you can earn money sitting at home and how to earn money through online medium in your website. The Alexa ranking of Pritam Nagrale's website is 54,103 and the ranking of this website is 4088 in India.

Pritam Nagrale has another website named In this website, he gives information to people by putting articles about online jobs, the global rank of this website is 33,224 and the ranking of this website in India is 2,314.

Income from the field of blogging of Pritam Nagrale

Pritam Nagrale has two websites, his first website is, from which his income is about $ 599, which is about 46766.03 in Indian currency and his second website is, his income from this website is about $ 947 Indian currency. In this, their earning is about 73932.76, if these two incomes are added, then it is 120698.79, apart from this, they also earn a lot of money from affiliate marketing.

3: Harsh Agarwal

Harsh Agarwal completed his graduation in engineering in 2008 and started Accenture job like other people and started giving his free time in the field of blogging, later he started liking the field of blogging and spent most of his time blogging. First of all, the name of his website was, he started working continuously in this website and in three to four months he started seeing the result of his work, people in this field called Harsh Agarwal. Started liking them, their popularity started increasing.

In 2009, he started a blog named shoutMeLoud.çom and started working continuously in it, along with the Accenture job, he learned many things in the field of blogging and leaving the Accenture job, he started spending his full time in the field of blogging. At that time there was no such website which could inspire people to write, but in 2009 he had an accident and the doctor instructed him to rest in bed for 7 months, now Harsh Agarwal started giving his full time in the field of blogging. And that incident turned out to be a life-changing event for him. His blog soon became popular people started recognizing him and his number of subscribers became 1 and new people coming in this field got inspired by Harsh Agarwal

How many websites does Harsh Agarwal have?

There are two main websites of Harsh Agarwal, whose names we have told you below.

Harsh Agarwal's income from blogging

Harsh Agarwal's monthly income from his first website is about 312$ and from his second website the monthly income is about 1269$ adding the monthly income of these two web sites is about 17609 in Indian currency is rupees

4: Shraddha Sharma

Shraddha Sharma is a female blogger, her website name is yours, she tells success stories of successful people in her blog. Shraddha Sharma used to work in CNBC TV18 and Times of India earlier. She has held the posts of Assistant Vice President at CNBC TV18 and Brand Advisor at Times of India.

In the year 2008, he created his own blog and worked continuously in it. He writes stories related to big industrialists and startups in his blog. You will find more than 60,000 stories in Shraddha Sharma's blog. In today's Qwat, Shraddha Sharma has reached that point, in today's time every person knows that their team includes 4 or 5 bloggers, their blog's Alexa ranking is 7280 and their blog's ranking is 518 in India.

Income from the field of blogging of Shraddha Sharma

Shraddha Sharma's monthly earning from blogging is around $3813 and her income in Indian currency is around Rs 273544.

5: Anand Khanse

In today's time, not only the youth can earn money from the blogging field, but people like Anand Khanse can also earn very good money from the blog field. He is 56 years old and he entered the blogging field in the year 2009. His website name is Thewindowsclub In his blog, he solves the problems of Windows operating system users and also started Freeware software like Windows Tweaker and FixWin Windows. Let us tell you that Anand's blog TheWindowClub has more than 80 Freeware available. The journey of blogging field has not been so easy for Anand, there were ups and downs in the field of blogging but he did not leave the field of blogging, in today's time his blog window operating Proving to be a boon for the system which provides online resources, in today's time you will find more than 80 windows freeware on their website.

Income from the field of blogging of Anand Khanse

Monthly earning from blogging is around $9465 and in Indian currency his income is around Rs 681669.

6: Nandini Shenoy

Everyone can get success in the field of blogging if they work diligently in the field of blogging and have patience. Nandini Shenoy is a blogger who runs a website named pinkvilla. She did her studies from India and then went to USA after her graduation. You will be surprised to know that she operates her blog from America.

In the year 2004, along with the job in Microsoft company, there was a lot of interest in the world of Bollywood News, Entertainment and Fashion, she also started a blog of her own, in which she used to put information related to these subjects. 

He started this blog in 2007, which he named pinkvilla, gradually this blog became popular in the blogging field and people started joining his blog in the year 2007.  

Worked together with her husband in pinkvilla and she started being praised in the field of blogging, after that she left her job and spent all her time in the field of blogging. First of all, the traffic in her website started increasing when Sonam Kapoor The party photos went viral and his website became popular. This time was in 2008.

pinkvilla is an English blog, later he established his blog with the name hidirush, at present it is working on two blogs, so its first blog is pinkvilla, its Alexa ranking is 93,321 and the ranking of the blog in India is 5,849. Hidirush Alexa ranking is 10,016 and this blog's ranking in India is 1,011 

Nandini Shenoy's income from blogging

If we talk about his first blog pinkvilla, then he earns about $ 2970 from this and if we talk about the second blog, then he earns $ 303 from it, by adding the income from these two blogs, he earns 2,50000 in Indian currency.

7: Abhijeet Mukherjee

He completed his graduation from Delhi University and in the year 2008 he created a new blog which he named Gudingtech. 

Before the year 2008, he worked as a web publisher for 9 years and later he understood the power of the field of blogging and started working in the field of blogging diligently. He also has a YouTube channel and his channel has a lot of subscribers. His YouTube channel is in the name of his blog, if we talk about it, the Alexa ranking of his blog is 11,386 and the ranking of his blog in India is 2,950. 

Abhijeet Mukherjee's income from blogging

His blog's 1 month's earning is about $2670 and he also earns from youtube and affiliate marketing if Abhijeet Mukherjee's earning in Indian currency is about 200000

8: Arun Prabhudesai

Arun Prabhudesai is the founder of but talking about his studies, he has done civil engineering, despite studying in a different field, he worked in ITI industry, then the year was 1996, he worked in this field for 10 years, after that he went to USA. Gone, he was very fond of photography, when he returned to India from USA, after that he wanted to do some different work, on 1 May 2007, he started a blog named and while continuously working in the field, he had a special thing that Whenever he used to write, people used to get to learn something from him, in very simple language he used to put his blog articles, in his blog he used to write articles on business topics and gradually became popular in the field of blogging. 

He also has a YouTube channel called which is very popular in India. He keeps putting various types of videos related to technology and gadgets, tech news on his YouTube channel. Alexa ranking of his blog is 44,570 and in India Blog's ranking is 2,962

Income from the field of blogging of Arun Prabhudesai

The monthly income of his blog and YouTube channel is about $ 1,500, in Indian currency, his income is about 107760 rupees.

9: Jignesh Padhiar

The name of his blog is iGeeksblog, this is the only blog which is based on Apple's product. In this blog, you will get information about iPhone, macbook pro. He has been CEO and was greatly influenced by the late Stive Jobs and after this he started writing articles on the product of Apple company and his blog became popular and became a successful blogger.

Alexa ranking of blog is 23,352 and the ranking of this blog in India is 12,380 

Income from the field of blogging of Jignesh Padhiar

Every month he earns about $ 1,135 from his blog, if we look at his income in Indian currency, he earns about Rs 5,849.

10: Asim Kishore

Aseem Kishore graduated from Emory University in 2002 with a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics. After that, in the year 2017, he thought of stepping into the field of blogging and he started his own blog onlineTechTips and people liked the blog very much, after that he left his job in the year 2010 and started giving full time in the field of blogging. In his blog, he keeps writing articles about computer, about technology, about software. Before the year 2007, he worked in the IT field for about 15 years. Even he did not leave the field of blogging and worked diligently, today his blog's Alexa ranking is 13,892 and his blog's ranking in India is 8,690. 

Income from the field of blogging of Aseem Kishore

His 1 month's income from the field of blogging is about $ 2070. If we look at the income in Indian currency, then it is about 1,48781 for 1 month.

 Know the rules of becoming a successful blogger from here

1: Choose your topic

Everyone can come in the field of blogging, but before coming in the field of blogging and if you want to become a successful blogger, then you should have knowledge about which subject you can explain to people in a good way about the same subject. Above you create your blog and keep posting articles in your blog.

2: Do not write articles by copying from somewhere

Today everyone wants to come in the field of blogging, but they have more information about the field of blogging, due to which they are not able to succeed in the field of blogging and become depressed. By copying the article from it, you put it in your blog and copyright comes in the blog, due to which you are not able to succeed in the field of blogging and sadly go away from the field of blogging, if you want to be successful in the field of blogging, then you Must write unique article

3: Always write article content big

Whenever you put an article in your blog, keep this in mind that the article you are writing in your blog can always be of 600 to 1000 words or more words, the more words you write in Google. higher the expected rank

4: Always keep your blog updated 

Everyone wants to be successful in the field of blogging, but to be successful in the field of blogging, you have to always keep your blog updated, from time to time you will have to put articles in your blog, then somewhere your blog will be able to rank in Google and You will be able to earn maximum money from your blog

5: Always put at least images in the article

Many people do not take care of some things in the field of blogging, for this reason successful bloggers are not able to succeed in the field of blogging, if you want to be successful in the field of blogging, then you must pay attention to the speed of your blog. Whatever article you write, put at least one image whose size should be 600 × 314 and the image should be less than 100 kb because if your image is of more KV then the speed of your blog will be less and any If the user comes to your blog, then it will take a long time to open your blog article, so that user will leave without reading the articles of your blog. Due to which you will not be able to become a successful blogger and will not be able to earn money from the field of blogging.

6: Always share your article in social media

As you know that today's time is the time of social media, every news reaches you through social media, you have to share your articles on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, people can access your blog through social media. and you can earn more and more money through blog

7: Create a page and group in the name of your blog on the Facebook platform

You have to create a page in Facebook with the name of your blog and add more and more people to your Facebook and Facebook group by the name of the blog and whenever you write an article in your blog, share it on your Facebook page and Do share in the group so that people who are connected to your Facebook page and group can know that you have put a new article in your blog, they can reach your blog through your Facebook page and Facebook group and the article you have posted It is written that you can read it and you people can earn good money from the field of blogging.

8: Write your articles in simple words

Always write your article in simple words, if you write an article in English, then do not use such words in your article, the meaning of which is not known to the user and he has difficulty in reading your article, due to which he does not complete your article. If you write a difficult word in your article, then write its meaning in brackets ( ) so that the user does not face problems in reading the article written by you.

If you write an article in Hindi, then write your article in easy language so that the user can understand your article well and share your article with more people and you can earn money through blogging.

10: Make backlinks to be successful in the field of blogging

If you are a successful blogger and want to earn good money through blogging field, then you need to create backlinks for your blog. By creating backlinks, you can rank your blog in Google and your blog can become a success by bringing more and more traffic. You can become a blogger, we have written an article on what is a backlink, you can get complete information on what is a backlink by clicking on the link below.

11: Make sure to create a YouTube channel in the name of your blog.

You should also create a YouTube channel named after your blog and upload videos on YouTube on the topics on which you have written articles in your blog so that people come to your blog through YouTube and read your articles. There are two advantages, the first advantage is that people will subscribe to your YouTube channel and the second advantage is that people will come to your blog and read the articles written by you and will share the topics about which you have written well in your blog. And traffic will increase in your blog and you will be able to earn a lot of money as a successful blogger.

12: Use responsive template in your blog

Always use responsive template in your blog so that your blog can open well in devices like mobile and desktop and the user does not face any problem in opening your blog if you do not use responsive template in your blog. Your blog will not open the device properly and the speed of your blog will decrease, due to which the user will face many problems in reading the articles of your blog, so that he will leave your blog without reading your articles.

13: Always give correct information in your blog

If you want to be a successful blogger and earn money from the blogging field, then you will always have to give the correct information to the user in your blog, if you tell wrong about a topic, that user will never come back to your blog, nor will anyone share any of your articles. Will do, so whatever information you enter, enter the correct information so that the user who comes to your blog gets answers to his questions and he will also share your articles to other people and you will be able to earn good money through the field of blocking.

14: Must use Question hub

If you want to earn good money from the field of blogging and want to become a successful blogger, then you must use the Question hub platform, we have written an article about it in our blog, you can get complete information about Question hub from our blog. You can bring more and more traffic to your blog and earn good money by becoming a successful blogger.

15: Make sure to set Max posts shown on main page

You will definitely see this option in the setting of your blog Max posts shown on main page. In this setting, you should put at least 5 articles on the main page of your blog because if you put more, then the speed of your blog will decrease, due to which your blog will take more time to open and the user will not stay in your blog for a long time. Due to which it will not even affect your article and you will not be able to become a successful blogger, so pay attention to this setting.

16: Must see the spam score of your blog

Everyone comes in the field of blogging but he does not have knowledge of many things due to which he is not able to earn money from the field of blogging and then leave this field, you must keep one thing in mind that your blog You must see how much is the spam score, if the spam score of your blog is 1%, then it is a good thing, but if it is above 15%, then it is a matter of concern, we have written an article on how to reduce the spam score in your blog. By reading that article, you can get complete information related to spam score.

17: Buy Unique Domain for Blog

To create your blog, you need a domain name, you buy a domain name for your blog, at that time keep in mind that on which subject you are making your blog and also buy a domain name similar to the same subject, for example For suppose you bought a domain name technology. Com. You are getting to know from this domain name that this blog is related to technology, similarly you should also buy the unit domain of your blog so that the user will know by looking at your domain that you have written articles related to which subject. write in blog

18: Must use Quora, Pinterest platform

In today's time, Quora, Pinterest have become very big platforms, you are a successful blogger and good money from the field of blogging by making space in the name of your blog in Quora and by answering the questions asked by people and bringing traffic to your blog. You can earn by putting images of articles of your blog in Pinterest platform, you can bring traffic to your blog and earn more and more money through blogging.

19: Invest money in your blog

To get success in the field of blogging, you will have to invest money in your blog. To make your blog reach more and more people, you can make your blog accessible to more and more people by running ads on Facebook, running ads of your blog on Instagram. You can bring more and more traffic from your blog by placing advertisements of your blog on YouTube and other websites through Google ads and earn a lot of money from the field of blogging and at the same time you can become a successful blogger. Are

20: Be patient till you blog success

Unless you get success in the field of blogging, you should do Arti 1 daily in your blog: Why it is necessary to increase the speed of the blog

Today, if you want to be successful in the blogging field and want to earn money from the blogging field, then you have to improve the speed of your blog, because if the speed of your blog is good, then nowadays your blog or website will be found in Google search engine or other search engines. The chances of getting ranked in the engine are high and traffic starts coming to your blog or website, so that you can earn a lot of money from the field of blogging and your popularity also increases.

Keep posting articles and share more and more people, you have to be patient to be successful in the blogging field.

21: If the user asks any question in the comment then answer it

If you have written an article on a topic and a user asks a question about that article, then you must answer that question to that user so that the user can get the answer to the question you have asked and that more Can tell more people about your blog and you can earn good money from blogging field.

1: Why is it necessary to increase the speed of the blog and what is its benefit?

Today, if you want to be successful in the blogging field and want to earn money from the blogging field, then you have to improve the speed of your blog, because if the speed of your blog is good, then nowadays your blog or website will be found in Google search engine or other search engines. The chances of getting ranked in the engine are high and traffic starts coming to your blog or website, so that you can earn a lot of money from the field of blogging and your popularity also increases.

2: Check the speed of the blog                                                

A: If you want to bring your blog to the top in Google search engine, then it is very important to have good speed of your blog because if the speed of your block is not good, then any user will open your blog, then your block will be difficult to open. Will delay and the user will not wait for long.

B: You can check the speed of your blog from this website.

C: First of all you have to click in this website and you have to enter the URL of your blog, after that you have to click on the option of analyze. And you will know the speed of your blog.

D: If the speed of your blog is between 0-49, then it is a very bad speed, if the speed of your block is between 50 -89, then the speed of your blog is moderate and if the speed of your block is between 90 -100. If so, the speed of your blog is very good and it can come in the top rank of Google.

3: How to increase the speed of the blog. A: When you blogger put a template in your blog, then you should put a very simple template because if you do not put a simple template in your blog, then the speed of your blog will decrease.

B: Put the image in your blog at least and the size of the image you put should be 600 × 314 because if you put more images in your blog, then the speed of your block decreases, this is because the image takes longer to open

C: You have to go to the layout option of your blog and you will get an option of a main post, click on it, after that you will get an option number of posts on main page (number of posts on the main page) to be reduced.

Suppose you put the number of posts in the option of number of posts on main page as 14, then 14 posts will appear in your home page and the speed of your blog will decrease because it will take a lot of time to open 14 posts, so you will see number of posts on main in your blog. Enter the page number five. And it will take less time for your blog to be 0pen and you and your block will speed up.

D: You have to click in the layout option of the blog and there you will get another option add gadget. New bloggers use a lot of gadgets to make their blog attractive, as a result of which the speed of their website decreases and traffic does not come to their blog, due to which they get upset and leave the blogging field. . You have to use at least two or three gadgets in your blog. 

4: What are the benefits of having good speed of blog or website

If we have told you below what are the benefits of having good speed of your blog or website, you can get complete information by reading them and know the benefits of having good speed of your blog or website.

A: If your blog or website speed is good, then the chances of your blog or website article being ranked in Google search engine or

B: The possibility of increasing traffic in your blog increases.

5: What are the disadvantages of having good speed of blog or website

Blogged website has many disadvantages of not having good speed, among them we have told you below the main disadvantages, by reading them we have told you many disadvantages of not having good block speed, you can know the disadvantages of site or blog by reading them.

A: If the speed of your blog or website is not good, then the speed of the blog or website slows down and if a person comes to your website, then your website runs very slow and he does not see your website completely and from there Due to which you are not able to earn money from your website or blog.

B: If the speed of your website is not good then your blog will never rank in Google search engine.

C: If the speed of your blog or website is not good, then the organic traffic of your blog or website will be very less, due to which you cannot earn money from the field of blogging.

What is SEO

The full name of SEO = search engine optimization. With SEO, you can bring your blog article top ranking in Google without spending a single penny.

But seo works slowly, today you have block seo. Get it done It may take some time for your block to earn Google's top rank.

SEO is of two types

1. On page SEO

2. Off page  SEO 

What is On-Page SEO?

Whatever activity we do to rank the blog is called on-page SEO. In this, from the meta tag of the block to the blog description, whatever changes happen, comes inside on page seo.

What is off page seo?

It takes a lot of time to do Off page SEO, all the activities that we do externally on the blog are called off SEO.

1: Get your blog indexed in Google

Step 1: First of all you have to search Google search console in Google.

Step 2. After that, you have to enter the URL of your block which you want to be indexed in Google.

After this your block will appear in Google search engine.

Learn how to write articles in blog

New bloggers who come in the field of blogging have to face this problem everyday many new bloggers leave the field of blogging because of this problem and never earn money from this field and who want to come in this field Don't even let him come, see before writing the article, you have to think whether you really want to be successful in the blogging field and do you want to earn money from this field, if you do not want to be successful in the blogging field, you are like this. If you have come then you leave this field, you can never earn money from the field of blogging, if you work diligently in the field, then you will definitely become a successful blogger.  

1: Whenever you sit down to write an article, you should be in a calm environment. Write the article on a topic on which few people know or on a topic that is being discussed in the country and abroad.

2: Always write the content of the article big because if you write the article big in your blog, then any user who comes to your blog will spend time reading your article and you will be able to earn more money from the blogging field.

3: Whenever you write nowadays, write in very simple language because if you write in difficult language, then whatever user reads your article, he will not understand anything and again if he has seen your website anywhere, sometimes Also will not visit your website again and you will not be able to earn money from blogging sector.

4: Always put only one image in your article and keep the size of that image 600 × 314, so that the speed of your blog will not decrease and your blog will rank in Google.

5: Do not think of copying the article written by someone else because if you do so then you will have to face copyright. After that, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to earn money from the blogging field.

6: Always watch newspaper news to get new ideas because if you have information about what is going on in the country and abroad, then you will automatically get the idea on which topic the article should be written and you can become a successful blogger. Will emerge and earn more and more money from blogging field

7: Never give any wrong information in the article because if you do this and a user reads your article, then he will not try to read your article again and you will not be able to earn money from the blogging field.

8: Whenever you write articles in your blog, do not use any kind of profanity in your articles at that time because if you do this then you will not get success in blogging but may have to go to jail.

9: Do not inform anyone else about how much money you are earning from the blogging field, because if you tell someone how much money you are earning from blogging, then people will not praise you but will tell you things and you will become successful in this field by listening to them. may leave so don't tell anyone

10: Make sure to use backlinks in your blog articles so that if a user likes one of your articles, then with the help of backlinks, he can read your other articles as well. And you can earn maximum money from blogging field

what is a keyword 

The words you search by writing the title or description of your blog and in the Google search box are called keywords. If you are a blogger and want to be successful in this field, then you should have complete knowledge about keywords, only then you can be successful in this field 

Let me explain you about the keyword with an example so that you can understand it better. Suppose I have got an essay on Diwali from school and I came home and searched by writing essay on Diwali or writing essay on Diwali in Google search box, these words are called keywords.

Why it's important to know keywords

If you write an article on a topic and publish that article in your blog, then you should know about keywords because if any person will search on Google on the topic on which you wrote your article. If you have, then you should know what that person will search in Google and whether you have put the same keyword in the title of your blog, if you have put it, then your article will rank in Google search engine, so that more and more traffic will come to your blog and You can earn very good money from this field.

how many types of keywords are there

There are many types of keywords, below we have given you complete information about the keywords, you should read the information given below very well so that you can understand the complete information given by us.

1: tranding keyword या fresh keyword 

These keywords are searched in Google in a very high amount for some time, which means that the keywords related to training topics come in the fresh keyword category, they are not used for a very long time.

2: ever green keyword 

These keywords are always searched, these types of keywords were used earlier also, will be used today and will be used even further. If you want to stay long in the field of blogging, then you have to work on these keywords. Then you can succeed in the blocking area

Example = How to earn money through online, 

3: area targeting keyword

In their keywords, only one area is targeted, for example = Delhi metro root, SSC course In mumbai etc.

If you are opening your business in any one area, writing your article about any one area, then this keyword can be very important for you.

4: Customer targeting keyword 

These are keywords in which a practical customer is targeted, for example = Best laptop Bag for man, best shoos for man etc.

5: product targeting keyword 

These are keywords in which a particular product is targeted, for example = samsung Galaxy smarphone, 5G cricket bat etc.

6: Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI keyword)

These are related to our main keywords, if you want to rank your article in Google search engine, then you will have to work on LSI, which will bring traffic to your blog and you will be able to earn more and more money.

What is keyword research 

You must have understood that what are keywords, keyword research means that if you have written an article on any subject, then how many people are spending your world, if more people search your article keywords, then in your blog Traffic will come more and you will be able to earn more money from this area but if less people search your keyword in Google then you can never earn good money from blogging. All the websites are available, some of which are as follows


2:  Ubersuggest 

3: Wordtracker

With the help of these websites, you can research your keywords and earn a lot of money by bringing more and more traffic to your blog.

How many types of keywords are divided on the basis of keyword research?

1:Short table keyword

Short table keywords are those keywords which use 1 to 3 words, their keyword search volume is high. If you are new in the field of blogging, then you do not have to work on keywords because these keywords have competition and your articles. It takes time to rank in Google search engine and you will not be able to earn that much money from blogging field. 

Example: mobile,iphone,samsung etc.

2: main table keyword 

Main table keywords are keywords that use 4 to 5 words, their keyword search volume is higher and competition is less than both short table keywords.

Example: Smart phone under price 7000, top 10 best samsung phone etc.

3: long table keyword 

These are the key works in which more than 5 words are used, their search volume is low and at the same time the competition is also less. If you are a new blogger, then you have to work on these keywords so that you can search the article Google Rank in the engine.

Example: Best Smart Phone Under 7000 in India, Samsung Galaxy Note IV Price in India etc.

Today in the article our opinion

Friends, respect your eternal culture, your religion, your parents and no matter how far you go, but never be arrogant, because even Ravana, who was very wise, shared our article with as many people as possible, because we have encouraged you by commenting. Be sure to tell us how you felt today.

Himanshu Papnai

नमस्कार साथियों।हमारे साथ जुड़े रहने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद हम आपके सामने टेक्नोलॉजी से संबंधित हेल्थ से संबंधित कुंडली से संबंधित जानकारियां समय-समय पर उपलब्ध कराते रहते हैं 2020 से हम इस क्षेत्र में कार्यरत हैं और किसी भी विषय के ऊपर हम आर्टिकल लिखने की जब सोचते हैं तो उसे विषय के ऊपर आपके संपूर्ण जानकारी हम प्रदान करते हैं यदि आपके पास कोई सवाल है या आप हमसे जुड़ना चाहते हैं तो आप हमें कमेंट कर सकते हैं इस वेबसाइट में या हमें ईमेल भी कर सकते हैं हमने अपना ईमेल पता नीचे आपको दिया गया है

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