How to write SEO friendly article

Hello Friends ! Welcome to india blogging  In today's time, India is second in the world in terms of population and in terms of economy, India is fifth in the world, the way unemployment is increasing in our country and youth It is disturbing that many students want to learn how to earn money through online medium by taking a little time in life in school and college, but there is not much information on how to earn money through online medium.Due to which you are not able to earn money through online medium, through blogging you not only earn money but you also get popularity and method of writing. When I came in the field of blogging, I did not know anything about it, but today Time I can easily put my thoughts in front of you people when I came in this field in 2020 I faced many problems how do I write articles

How to write SEO Friendly article

It was not known, but with the help of YouTube, took basic information about blogging and started writing articles. There are many poor children in our country who are very talented, they can come in this field and put their thoughts in front of the people.Nowadays, many parents are giving only book knowledge to their children, this is wrong, along with book knowledge, children should also be given cultural and practical knowledge, because the student leads the country on the path of progress. You should keep giving information, blogging is not a wrong thing, but it is a very good medium to put your point in front of the people, to get the basic information, read our article completely and share this article with as many people as possible. I will tell you how you can rank your blog in Google

what is blog

BLOG is an English word which is a short name of WEB BLOG, it started in 1998. This is a free service provided by Google. Through which a person can share his point with the whole world. People use blogs to convey their point to others, the post of the blog reaches every person who searches about it in Google. Blog is like a website which can be created for free and Google has made its interface in such a way that everyone can use it easily. The only difference between a website and a blog is that there should be many types of web design program information to create a website and it also costs money, while a blog is a free service that requires a website to be created, such as blogger, whatpress, Through etc., anyone can make a blog very easily. A blog is run by an individual or a team

Why blog is written?

15 to 20 years ago, people used to write some important things in diary, magazine and share them with everyone through newspaper and matching, similarly in today's modern age, people like to write on the internet and share it on someone's blog. It is called Any topic can be written in the blog, their topics can be general as well as special. Many blogs are related to a particular subject and provide information on that subject from time to time, such as there are blogs related to technology, in which information related to old technology and new technology is given, the person who writes the blog is called blogger and who Work is done in blog, it is called blogging.

What is Bolging?

Creating a blog, writing posts in it every day, publishing it and designing your blog well, all these activities are called blogging, the creator has to post his thoughts from time to time. Writing a post in a blog, designing your blog, replying to the comments in the post, similarly, whatever a blogger does to run a block, we call it in common language.

Money can also be earned online through blogs. Blogging can be done in any subject like = News, Technology, Health etc.

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Blogging is divided into how many categories 

Blogging is divided into two categories

1: Personal Blogging

2: Professional Blogging

1: Personal Blogging = Personal Google Blogging is also called hoddy blogging, which has some stories, true events, which it shares with everyone. These stories can also be about his personal life. Or it can be about someone else's life. Famous people often make such blogs so that they can convey their words to the common people. These people do not have to earn money from blogging, it is just their hoddy. Personal blogs are written by celebrities, that's why common people like to read these people so that they can know their artist closely.

2: Professional Blogging = This is done by those people who consider blog as their business, by this they earn so much money that they can fulfill their dreams and their needs, it also requires patience along with hard work, only then the fruits of hard work are achieved. Is

Professional bloggers earn money by monetizing blogs in many ways like = Google Adsense, by placing ads of a company, etc. Out of all these, Google Adsense is the best way to earn money. Professional blogger is completely different from a personal blog. If you have a passion for writing, then you can easily do blogging. And if you want to earn money from blogging, then you have to have patience, perseverance and hard work, blogging is not so easy and you are thinking that today I started blogging and money will start coming from tomorrow. So let me tell you you are thinking absolutely wrong. For that you need hard work and most of all patience 

How to write SEO Friendly article

1: Learn the right way to write articles

If someone reads your article. So you have to write your article in such an interesting way that that person must read your article completely and your article should be beneficial for the person who is reading your article. And the answers to all his questions should also be fulfilled, only then he will write through you and people will also read the article. That's why you should know about article articles writing format, you should know this, you should know what you 

2: How to start the article

You have to start the article in a very funny and interesting way, at the beginning of the article you have described all that you are going to tell, like you are using such words in the beginning on the news channel, "Look carefully at this innocent To the child "that's all our attention gets and we watch that news completely

Well, in the beginning of your article, you have to write in an interesting way using your imagination, you should not give all the information that a reader needs in your article. ,

3: Write articles by following your interest

You always have to write articles on the same subject in which you have good knowledge. Because there are many bloggers who do not follow their interest and they do not have complete information about what they write about that subject and readers Does not read his article completely.

4: : Solve the problem and write an article

If you are facing any problem with the article, then first of all find out its solution and then write that article.

You have to give complete information related to the subject in which you are writing in your article, so that if any reader reads it, then he gets the solution to his problems and reads your article again and again. 

5: Add personal experience to the article

You do not have to copy anyone's article, if you copy someone's article, then you will never be successful in the blogging field, you have to share your personal experience about the subject about which you are writing the article. Only then you will be able to write a unique article and your article will be able to rack up Google search.

6: Write the language of the article simple and simple

Whenever you write today, keep the language of your article very simple so that the person who reads your article can understand all the information written in the article.

7: Write the article in a calm environment

Where you are writing the article, there should not be much noise because you are thinking about some topic during the article and you cannot think about that topic. Whenever you write an article, write it in a calm environment so that You should be able to think more about some subject and give good information to people.

 8: Do not use the same words again and again in your article

Whenever you write an article, you have to keep this in mind that you should not use the same words again and again in your article, because what will happen to your article will get bored and will not read your article completely, so you have to write your article. fun and great

9: Before writing an article, get complete information about that subject.

Get complete information about the subject in which you are going to write, so that the person who reads your article does not need to read someone else's article, he can get answers to all his questions in your article.

What things must be kept in mind while writing an article, otherwise you can never be successful in the blogging field.

1:Choose your topic

Everyone can come in the field of blogging, but before coming in the field of blogging and if you want to become a successful blogger, then you should have knowledge about which subject you can explain to people in a good way about the same subject. Above you create your blog and keep posting articles in your blog.

2: Do not write articles by copying from somewhere

Today everyone wants to come in the field of blogging, but they have more information about the field of blogging, due to which they are not able to succeed in the field of blogging and become depressed. By copying the article from it, you put it in your blog and copyright comes in the blog, due to which you are not able to succeed in the field of blogging and sadly go away from the field of blogging, if you want to be successful in the field of blogging, then you Must write unique article

3: Always write article content big

Whenever you put an article in your blog, keep it in mind that the article you are writing in your blog can always write 600 to 1000 words or more words, the more words you write in Google. higher the expected rank

4: Always keep your blog updated 

Everyone wants to be successful in the field of blogging, but to be successful in the field of blogging, you have to always keep your blog updated, from time to time you will have to put articles in your blog, then somewhere your blog will be able to rank in Google and You will be able to earn maximum money from your blog

5: Always put at least images in the article

Many people do not take care of some things in the field of blogging, for this reason successful bloggers are not able to succeed in the field of blogging, if you want to be successful in the field of blogging, then you must pay attention to the speed of your blog. Whatever article you write, put at least one image whose size should be 600 × 314 and the image should be less than 100 kb because if your image is of more KV then the speed of your blog will be less and any If the user comes to your blog, then it will take a long time to open your blog article, so that user will leave without reading the articles of your blog. Due to which you will not be able to become a successful blogger and will not be able to earn money from the field of blogging.

6: Always share your article in social media

As you know that today is the time of social media, every news reaches you through social media, you have to share your articles on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, people can access your blog through social media. and you can earn more and more money through blog

7: Create a page and group in the name of your blog on the Facebook platform

You have to create a page in Facebook with the name of your blog and add more and more people to your Facebook and Facebook group by the name of the blog and whenever you write an article in your blog, share it on your Facebook page and Do share in the group so that people who are connected to your Facebook page and group can know that you have put a new article in your blog, they can reach your blog through your Facebook page and Facebook group and the article you have posted It is written that you can read it and you people can earn good money from the field of blogging.

8: Write your articles in simple words

Always write your article in simple words, if you write an article in English, then do not use such words in your article, the meaning of which is not known to the user and he has difficulty in reading your article, due to which he does not complete your article. If you write a difficult word in your article, then write its meaning in brackets ( ) so that the user does not face problems in reading the article written by you.

If you write an article in Hindi, then write your article in easy language so that the user can understand your article well and share your article with more people and you can earn money through blogging.

10: Make backlinks to be successful in the field of blogging

If you are a successful blogger and want to earn good money through blogging field, then you need to create backlinks for your blog. By creating backlinks, you can rank your blog in Google and your blog can become a success by bringing more and more traffic. You can become a blogger, we have written an article on what is a backlink, you can get complete information on what is a backlink by clicking on the link below.

11: Make sure to create a YouTube channel in the name of your blog.

You should also create a YouTube channel named after your blog and upload videos on YouTube on the topics on which you have written articles in your blog so that people come to your blog through YouTube and read your articles. There are two advantages, the first advantage is that people will subscribe to your YouTube channel and the second advantage is that people will come to your blog and read the articles written by you and will share the topics about which you have written well in your blog. And traffic will increase in your blog and you will be able to earn a lot of money as a successful blogger.

12: Use responsive template in your blog

Always use responsive template in your blog so that your blog can open well in devices like mobile and desktop and the user does not face any problem in opening your blog if you do not use responsive template in your blog. Your blog will not open the device properly and the speed of your blog will decrease, due to which the user will face many problems in reading the articles of your blog, so that he will leave your blog without reading your articles.

13: Always give correct information in your blog

If you want to be a successful blogger and earn money from the blogging field, then you will always have to give the correct information to the user in your blog, if you tell wrong about a topic, that user will never come back to your blog, nor will anyone share any of your articles. Will do, so whatever information you enter, enter the correct information so that the user who comes to your blog gets answers to his questions and he will also share your articles to other people and you will be able to earn good money through the field of blocking.

14: Must use Question hub

If you want to earn good money from the field of blogging and want to become a successful blogger, then you must use the Question hub platform, we have written an article about it in our blog, you can get complete information about Question hub from our blog. You can bring more and more traffic to your blog and earn good money by becoming a successful blogger.

15: Make sure to set Max posts shown on main page

You will definitely see this option in the setting of your blog Max posts shown on main page. In this setting, you should put at least 5 articles on the main page of your blog because if you put more, then the speed of your blog will decrease, due to which your blog will take more time to open and the user will not stay in your blog for a long time. Due to which it will not even affect your article and you will not be able to become a successful blogger, so pay attention to this setting.

16: Must see the spam score of your blog

Everyone comes in the field of blogging but he does not have knowledge of many things due to which he is not able to earn money from the field of blogging and then leave this field, you must keep one thing in mind that your blog You must see how much is the spam score, if the spam score of your blog is 1%, then it is a good thing, but if it is above 15%, then it is a matter of concern, we have written an article on how to reduce the spam score in your blog. By reading that article, you can get complete information related to spam score.

17: Buy Unique Domain for Blog

To create your blog, you need a domain name, you buy a domain name for your blog, at that time keep in mind that on which topic you are making your blog and also buy a domain name similar to the same topic, for example For suppose you bought a domain name technology. Com. You are getting to know from this domain name that this blog is related to technology, similarly you should also buy the unit domain of your blog so that the user will know by looking at your domain that you have written articles related to which subject. write in blog

18: Must use Quora, Pinterest platform

In today's time, Quora, Pinterest have become very big platforms, you are a successful blogger and good money from the field of blogging by creating space in the name of your blog in Quora and by answering the questions asked by people and bringing traffic to your blog. You can earn by putting images of articles of your blog in Pinterest platform, you can bring traffic to your blog and earn more and more money through blogging.

19: Invest money in your blog

To get success in the field of blogging, you will have to invest money in your blog. To make your blog reach more and more people, you can make your blog accessible to more and more people by running ads on Facebook, running ads of your blog on Instagram. You can bring more and more traffic from your blog by placing advertisements of your blog in YouTube and other websites through Google ads and can earn a lot of money from the field of blogging and at the same time you can become a successful blogger. Are

20: Be patient till you blog success

Until you get success in the field of blogging, keep putting articles in your blog everyday and share it with more and more people. To be successful in the blogging field, you have to be patient.

21: If the user asks any question in the comment then answer it

If you have written an article on a topic and a user asks a question about that article, then you must answer that question to that user so that the user can get the answer to the question you have asked and that more Can tell more people about your blog and you can earn good money from blogging field.

Our opinion on this article 

In today's time, people who want to come in the field of blogging, they must have knowledge about how to write an article and how to write SEO Friendly article so that your article can rank in Google and you can earn very good money from Google. So that we can earn, we have discussed this topic completely in this article, you share this article with as many people as possible and if you have any question, then you can ask by commenting, we will answer your question as soon as possible. Will try and tell you how you liked the article by commenting here  .

Himanshu Papnai

नमस्कार साथियों।हमारे साथ जुड़े रहने के लिए आपका धन्यवाद हम आपके सामने टेक्नोलॉजी से संबंधित हेल्थ से संबंधित कुंडली से संबंधित जानकारियां समय-समय पर उपलब्ध कराते रहते हैं 2020 से हम इस क्षेत्र में कार्यरत हैं और किसी भी विषय के ऊपर हम आर्टिकल लिखने की जब सोचते हैं तो उसे विषय के ऊपर आपके संपूर्ण जानकारी हम प्रदान करते हैं यदि आपके पास कोई सवाल है या आप हमसे जुड़ना चाहते हैं तो आप हमें कमेंट कर सकते हैं इस वेबसाइट में या हमें ईमेल भी कर सकते हैं हमने अपना ईमेल पता नीचे आपको दिया गया है

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